Results 11 - 20 of 1633.
Work History
updated:2020-05-28 07:51:03
Independent Software Developer April 1999 – Present Grasshopper LLC Develop software products and services on a contract basis. Geographical Database Editor Develop and maintain entire digital workflow for TV stations in Miami, FL; Stuart, FL; Naples, FL; and Boston, MA. Format agnostic HD-SDI transmitter video player contributed to open-source...
Front Page
updated:2020-05-28 07:47:01
[title]Welcome![/title] This site is dedicated to showcasing my development capabilities. While many are familiar with the phenomenal commercial desktop publishing program PageStream, few know about the other commercial and custom work I've done. In-house and contract development create Internet solutions using HTML5/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Java...
Projects - Geographic Boundary Editor
updated:2020-05-20 09:23:55
[title]Geographic Boundary Editor[/title] This was just an in-house tool that I needed to help create geographic boundaries for a location service I wrote. There are a number of public domain and open source map repositories but they are often in different formats and/or contain information unnecessary for this project. The backend is powered by PHP and...
Projects - DoReMe Controller
updated:2020-03-10 15:11:39
[title]DoReMe Controller for iOS[/title] [img="/Images/Resume/DoReMe/DoReMe-thumbnail.png" align=left]This was just a fun (well, my kind of fun) little app needed by a Chicago based newsroom. They had an old DoReMe digital video recorder/playback machine that used expensive, whole system, proprietary remote equipment to initial playback in live...
Projects - Razercut
updated:2020-03-04 15:33:45
[title]Razercut for iOS and Android[/title] [video="/Images/Resume/Razercut/spot RAZERCUT BIRDS V8.mp4" align=right] [video="/Images/Resume/Razercut/spot RAZERCUT FOUNTAIN V8.mp4" align=right] Apple App Store preview
updated:2020-03-03 11:58:12
[title]EquusHD[/title] [video="/Images/Resume/EquusHD/Peter 72_h264.mp4" align=right]This project started out on EquusHD as a new way to market horses in the South Florida area. Local experts reviewed them in video which was distributed along with details in a PDF file. Back in 2008 this project was considered cutting edge, delivering video to...
Projects - Quad Beverage Antennae Modeling
updated:2020-03-02 19:45:43
[title]Quad Beverage Antennae Modeling[/title]
Projects - ffmpeg Blackmagic Decklink Module
updated:2020-03-02 15:56:59
[title]ffmpeg Blackmagic Decklink Module[/title]
Projects - Blumark Laboratories Web Site
updated:2020-03-02 15:55:16
[title]Blumark Laboratories Web Site[/title]
Projects - Over-The-Air Stream Originator
updated:2020-03-02 14:58:52
[title]Over-The-Air Stream Originator[/title]
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