Checking Spelling

PageLiner allows you to check the spelling of an article by comparing the words you have typed against the words in a dictionary. PageLiner always begins spell checking from the insertion point forward.

Your copy of PageLiner includes an American English dictionary. Additional dictionaries may be included, depending on the country of purchase. Contact GrasshopperLLC for the availability of additional dictionaries.

To spell check an article: Choose the ''Spell Check'' command from the ''Edit'' menu. PageLiner will highlight the first word it cannot find in the dictionary and open a requester to show the word. Click on ''Ignore'' to ignore all future occurrences of this word. If the word is incorrect, you can change it manually or you can click on ''Lookup'' to search the dictionary for a similar word. Choose a word from the list and click on ''Replace'' to substitute this word for the incorrect work. ''Replace'' and ''Ignore'' will highlight the next unknown word.

If the unknown word is correct, click on ''Add'' to add it to the dictionary. If you add a misspelled word, you can remove it from the dictionary by typing it into the text gadget and clicking on ''Delete''.

Words added in the dictionary are not saved in the main dictionary file. Your words are stored in the Custom.dictionary file which is used in conjunction with the main dictionary. You can delete words from either dictionary with the ''Delete'' gadget. PageLiner currently does not share dictionary files with PageStream, so words added in one program will not be available in the other.

To check the spelling of one word: Choose the ''Lookup'' command from the ''Edit'' menu. Type the word into the text gadget and click on ''Lookup''. If you select a word before choosing the command, the word will be inserted into the text gadget automatically.


Checking Spelling  Section  url:PLuser/typingediting#spelling
  created:2006-04-19 18:00:03   last updated:2006-08-19 11:01:11
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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