How do I...?

SectionHow do I change the color, fill type and fill pattern of text or objects?
Select the text or object to change and choose the ''Line & Fill'' command from the ''Type'' or ''Object'' menu. Click on the ''Fill'' tab, choose a fill type from the ''Type'' pop-up menu, and choose the color to apply from the ''Color'' pop-up menu. ''Gradient'', ''Radial'' and ''Shape'' fills require a second color that you can choose from the ''To'' pop-up menu. Finally, you can choose a bitmapped pattern by clicking the '"Browse'' button and selecting one of the predefined styles or drawing your own.

You may also apply color to text or objects with the ''Color Palette''. Choose ''Show Color Palette'' from the ''Window'' menu to display it and click on the color(s) to apply.

SectionHow do I change the stroke's weight, style, fill pattern and color of text or objects?
Select the text or object to change and choose the ''Line & Fill'' command from the ''Type'' or ''Object'' menu. Click on the ''Line'' tab, choose a weight from the ''Weight'' pop-up menu, the color to apply from the ''Color'' pop-up menu and the stroke style from the ''Style'' pop-up menu. Finally, you can choose a bitmapped pattern by clicking the ''Browse'' button and selecting one of the predefined styles or drawing your own.

You may also apply stroke color to text or objects with the ''Color Palette''. Choose ''Show Color Palette'' from the ''Window'' menu to display it and click on the color(s) to apply.

SectionHow do I add an arrowhead at the end of lines?
Select the line and choose the ''Line & Fill'' command from the ''Object'' menu. Click on the ''Line'' tab and choose an arrowhead type from the ''Start'' and/or ''End'' pop-up menus in the ''Ends & Joins'' section.

SectionHow do I create and edit colors?
Select the ''Colors'' from the ''Define'' submenu of the ''Edit'' menu. The ''Define Colors'' dialog box will appear.

To edit an existing color: Select the color from the scrolling list and click ''Edit'' to display the ''Edit Color'' dialog box. Change the values and click ''OK''.

To create a new color: Select the existing color closest in color to the new color and click the ''New'' button. This will open the ''Edit Color'' dialog box with the existing color's values set, but will not alter the existing color. Set the color values and give the color a name. Click ''OK'' to add the color to the list of colors.


How do I...?  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/questions6#anchor797776
  created:2006-04-18 09:11:57   last updated:2006-08-11 14:46:02
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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