Distributing Objects

PageStream can distribute objects evenly within their bounding box or with a given amount of space between them. You can choose to distribute objects evenly, relative to their left or right edges, or to their centers.

To distribute objects: Select more than one object with the ''Object'' tool. Choose ''Distribute'' from the ''Object'' menu to display the ''Distribute'' dialog box. Click on a horizontal and/or vertical button to specify the distribution type. Select from the ''How'' pop-up menu whether to distribute objects in their current bounding box or with a specified spacing. Click ''OK''.

The examples below demonstrate horizontal bounding box distribution. The bounding box is shown by a dotted line to make the examples clear.


Distributing Objects  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/align#anchor707715
  created:2006-04-16 10:36:28   last updated:2006-08-15 14:10:09
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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