Reshaping Paths

The ''Reshape'' tool allows you to edit the points in a path instead of its bounding box. You can add, delete, move and edit point handles after selecting a path with the ''Reshape'' tool. When you select a path with the ''Reshape'' tool, handles appear at each point. Note the difference when you select a path with the ''Reshape'' tool instead of the ''Object'' tool.

SectionSelecting points
When you select a path with the ''Reshape'' tool, point handles will appear at each point position and the mouse pointer will change to a reshape arrow. The point handles will be unselected (hollow).

The Reshape Cursor

To select a point: Click on the point handle with the reshape arrow. Selected point handles are solid, while unselected handles are hollow. If the point is connected to a curve, a curve handle will appear to show the position of the Bezier control point.

NotePageStream uses Bezier curves to generate smooth curves. Each curve has two Bezier control points which define the shape of the curve. Each control point is represented by a round curve handle.

To select multiple points: Hold down a Shift key and click on the points, or drag around the points. Selecting points is very similar to selecting objects.

Click on the ''Previous'' or ''Next'' point buttons to select another point on the path.

Previous Point

Next Point

SectionMoving points

To move a point with the mouse: Select a point with the ''Reshape'' tool and drag the point. Hold down Shift to constrain movement to horizontal, vertical and 45 directions. If ''Snap-to-Grid'' or ''Snap-to-Guides'' are selected in the ''Layout'' menu, points will be aligned with the closest grid point or guides. To move multiple points, select all of them and then drag any one of them.

NoteYou must drag a point at least 3 pixels before it will start to move. This prevents you from moving a point accidentally. If you wish to move a point only a couple of pixels, drag the point until it starts moving and then drag it back to the desired position.

To move a point with the ''Edit Palette'': Select one point to edit. Enter new coordinates, or add the move amount to the current coordinates. For example, enter 3.31"-2.25 to move a point 2.25" to the left when the current value is 3.31".

To move a point with the cursor keys: Select a point, or multiple points, with the ''Reshape'' tool. Press the arrow keys to move. The coordinates are shifted by the value set in ''Nudge Amount'' in the ''Drawing'' panel in ''Preferences''. Hold down a Shift key while using the arrows to nudge object(s) a tenth of the amount. Points will be not be aligned with the closest grid point or guides.

SectionAdjusting curves
Each curve segment has two curve handles which control the shape of the curve. When you select one of the endpoints of a curve, PageStream shows a direction line connecting the point to its curve handle (two handles if the point joins two curves).

To adjust a curve with the mouse: Drag a curve handle to a new position. Moving a curve handle attached by a smooth join to another curve will reshape both curves. To change to a corner join, hold down Option (Alt) while dragging.

If the segments are connected by a corner join, you can hold down Option (Alt) as you drag to change to a smooth join.

To adjust a curve with the ''Edit Palette'': Select one point to edit. Enter new coordinates for its curve handle(s), or add the move amount to the current coordinates. For example, enter 2.61"+1.82 to move a point 1.82" to the right when the current value is 2.61".

SectionChanging Segment Types
You can change curve segments to line segments and vice versa with the ''Reshape'' tool.

To retract curve handles to change curves to lines: Hold down Option (Alt) and click on the point. The curve handles for the segments on either side of the point will disappear and the segments on either side of the point will be converted to lines. To retract the curve handle on just one side of the point, drag a curve handle on top of the point.

To add curve handles to lines: Hold down Option (Alt) and drag out from the point. This will add curve handles for a smooth join.

SectionAdding and deleting points
PageStream allows you to add points to a path after it has been drawn, and to delete points that you no longer want.

To add a point to an existing path: Select a path and hold down Option (Alt). Click anywhere on the stroke of the path to add a new point at that position.

To delete a point: Select the point and press the Delete key or click on the ''Delete Point'' button in the ''Edit Palette''. The points on either side of the deleted point will now be connected. You can delete multiple points by selecting them before pressing Delete or clicking the ''Delete Point'' button.

SectionSplitting and joining points
You can open a closed path at any point, or split an open path into subpaths, by splitting a point into two endpoints. PageStream also allows you to join two endpoints to close a path or to join two subpaths into one path.

To split a path point: Select the point. Click the ''Split Point'' button in the ''Edit Palette''. Two endpoints will appear where the former point was located. One will be selected automatically.

If you split a path that is already open, the result will be two subpaths in one path.

NoteYou can only split paths at existing points. To split a path in the middle of a segment, Option (Alt) click to create a point, and then split the path.

To join two endpoints: Drag an endpoint near another endpoint in the same path. When you are within range, its point handle will turn bold. Release the mouse button to join the points. If you want to join two endpoints without moving them, select the Pen tool, click on one point to make it the current point and then click on or drag to the other endpoint to draw a line or curve segment between them.

NoteYou cannot directly join endpoints from separate paths. To do this, select both paths with the Object tool and choose Merge Paths from the Object menu. This will make them into subpaths of one path. Now you will be able to join their endpoints.


Reshaping Paths  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/reshaping#paths
  created:2006-04-16 10:15:10   last updated:2006-08-09 11:34:09
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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