Creating Layers

To create a layer with the menu: Select the ''Object'' tool from the ''Toolbox'' and select the objects to put into the new layer. Choose ''Make Drawing'' from the ''Drawing'' submenu in the ''Object'' menu.

To create a layer with the ''Layers Palette'': Select the ''Object'' tool from the ''Toolbox'' and select the objects to put into the new layer. Choose ''Show Layer Palette'' from the ''Window'' menu. The ''Layers Palette'' will appear. Click the ''Make Layer'' icon.

Any drawing imported by choosing ''Place Graphics'' from the ''File'' menu, or pasted into the document by choosing ''Paste'' from the ''Edit'' menu, is also a layer and will appear in the ''Layers Palette''. Note: Bitmap and EPS objects imported or pasted are not drawings/layers.


Creating Layers  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/layers#creatinglayers
  created:2006-04-16 08:56:09   last updated:2006-08-04 22:53:08
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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