User Variables

To insert a user variable in text: Select the ''Text'' tool from the ''Toolbox'' and place the insertion point where the user variable will be inserted. Choose ''Variable Text'' from the ''Insert'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. The ''Define Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Choose the variable from the list box. Click ''Insert''.

To create a new user variable: Choose ''Variables'' from the ''Define'' submenu in the ''Edit'' menu or if in text mode choose ''Variable Text'' from the ''Insert'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. The ''Define Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Choose the document, chapter or subchapter in the ''Chapter'' pop-up menu to define the level to create the new variable. Click ''New''. The ''Edit Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Enter the text in the ''Name'' text box that will appear in the list box. Enter the text that will appear in the document where ever the variable is placed in the ''String'' text box. Click ''OK''.

To edit an existing user variable: Choose ''Variables'' from the ''Define'' submenu in the ''Edit'' menu or if in text mode choose ''Variable Text'' from the ''Insert'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. The ''Define Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Choose the user variable from the list box. Click ''Edit''. The ''Edit Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Change the text that will appear in the document where ever the variable is placed in the String text box. Click ''OK''. Any location in the document that this variable appears in the text will update automatically.

To remove an existing user variable: Choose ''Variables'' from the ''Define'' submenu in the ''Edit'' menu or if in text mode choose ''Variable Text'' from the ''Insert'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. The ''Define Variable String'' dialog box will appear. Choose the user variable from the list box. Click ''Remove''. Any reference in the document to that variable will be removed.


User Variables  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/variable#uservariables
  created:2006-04-15 22:03:43   last updated:2006-07-26 11:26:14
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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