Time Variables

Select the ''Text'' tool from the ''Toolbox'' and place the insertion point where the time will be inserted. Choose ''Time'' from the ''Insert'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. The ''Insert Time'' dialog box will appear. Choose the language from the ''Language'' pop-up menu to use for long time formats if different than the defined language for the text. Choose the prefered time style from the ''Format'' pop-up menu. If the time should change to reflect critical times in the documents creation, choose the critical event in the ''Update'' pop-up menu. Click ''Insert''.

To customize a time variable: Choose ''Custom'' from the ''Format'' pop-up menu. Enter a time variable in the ''Custom'' text box. Refer to the table below for more information on formatting options. You do not need to include all parts of the time. Use a colon, space or any other character to separate them.

Note: One character following a backslash or text inside double quotation marks ("") will appear as is.

Custom Time Syntax:



Time Variables  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/variable#timevariables
  created:2006-04-15 22:03:43   last updated:2006-07-26 11:19:20
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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