Paragraph Rules

You can set paragraph rules to have PageStream automatically insert a horizontal line above and/or below a paragraph, and you can change the paragraph rules distance from the beginning or end of the paragraph, rule length and style.

SectionHow to set a paragraph rule
1. Open the ''Paragraph Rules'' dialog box.
Choose ''Paragraph Rules'' from the ''Type'' menu to display the ''Paragraph Rules'' dialog box.

2. Select the rule offset method.
For a rule above the paragraph, choose the offset method from the ''Before Offset'' menu. For a rule below the paragraph, choose the offset method from the ''After Offset'' menu.

Choose ''None'' to not display the rule.
Choose ''Relative'' to offset the rule by a percentage of the first (or last) line's leading as entered in the text box to the right.
Choose ''Fixed'' to offset the rule by a fixed amount as entered in the text box to the right.

3. Select the rule inset method.
For a rule above the paragraph, choose the inset method from the ''Inset'' menu directly below the ''Before Offset''. For a rule below the paragraph, choose the inset method from the ''Inset'' menu directly below the ''After Offset''.

Choose ''None'' to set the width of the rule to the full potential width of the paragraph.
Choose ''Relative'' to inset the rule by a percentage of the full potential width of the paragraph in the text box to the right.
Choose ''Fixed'' to inset the rule by a fixed amount as entered in the text box to the right.

The inset amounts will indent the rule from the left and right margins respectively.

4. Select the rule style.
For a rule above the paragraph, choose the rule style from the ''Inset'' menu directly below the ''Before Offset''. For a rule below the paragraph, choose the inset method from the ''Inset'' menu directly below the ''After Offse''t.

Choose ''Thin'' for a 1 pt black line.
Choose ''Thick'' for a 4 pt black line.
Choose ''Custom'' and select the browse button to the right to choose a custom line style from the ''Line Fill'' dialog box.

5. Click ''OK''.


Paragraph Rules  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/paragraph#rules
  created:2006-04-15 21:51:04   last updated:2006-07-25 11:13:48
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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