
PageStream offers three ways to put text on a page: text frames, text blocks, and tables.

Text frames are containers in which text may be entered. Most text frames are rectangular text column frames with one or more columns. Text frames created from irregular shapes are referred to as text shape frames. Text column frames are normally used for the body text of a document and text shape frames are used for special effects. Text frames can be linked together so that text will flow between them. Use text frames for the body text of your documents.

Text blocks are frameless text used for titles, headers, footers and other small blocks of type. They lack defined right and bottom margins, so they don't have fixed edges within which to wrap text. You must press the Return key to end each line of text in a text block. Text blocks cannot be linked to other blocks, frames. or tables.

Tables is a rectangular frame divided horizontally and vertically into cells which contain text. The text flows in each cell like a text frame, only the text can not be linked to another cell, blocks or frames.

Text frames, text blocks, and tables can be manipulated as objects with the ''Object'' and ''Reshape'' tool in the same way as shapes created with the drawing tools. In addition, TextFX paths and table cells may be manipulated with the ''Reshape tool''.

The ''Text tool'' is used to edit and format text in a text frame, text block, or table. The ''Text tool'' can also be used to draw text frames or start text blocks.

SectionComparing text frames, text blocks and tables
Resizing a text frame will cause the text inside to reflow to fill the new dimensions of the text frame. The text may or may not fit in the frame's new size. Resizing a frameless text block will cause the size of the text to resize proportionally to the new dimensions of the text block. Resizing a table will cause the cells inside to resize proportionally, and the text inside those cells to reflow to fill the new dimensions of the cell.


Introduction  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/puttingtext#anchor2135963
  created:2006-04-14 18:24:16   last updated:2019-12-19 20:14:38
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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