Step 1: Setting the measurement system

1. Start PageStream.

Double-click on the PageStream icon in the PageStream folder. When the PageStream ''Navigator'' appears, you're ready to start.

2. Choose ''Prefs'' in the ''Navigator''.

The ''Preferences'' dialog box will appear. Click on the ''Measurement'' item to display the ''Measurement'' panel.

Choose Picas from the ''Horizontal'' pop-up menu. If the ''Vertical'' pop-up menu is not set to Same as Horizontal, change it now. PageStream allows you to set vertical measurement system separately, but it should be the same as the horizontal system for this lesson.

3. Click ''Use''.

The ''Use'' button will use the preferences for this session, but they will not be remembered if you quit PageStream. If you want to change your preferences for future use, you should click on the ''Save'' button.


Step 1: Setting the measurement system  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/lesson2#step1
  created:2006-04-14 14:31:17   last updated:2006-07-05 15:08:22
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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