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PrintDocument System Command
Prints the current document.
printdocument [SIDES which] [SCALE SIDES/k The sides to print. Options: BOTH (default)|EVEN |
ODD. preset/k The print scale. Options: ACTUAL (default)|FULLPAGE. custom/k The custom print scale. COPIES/i The number of copies. Default=1. toggle/k Toggles a feature. Options: ON | OFF. PICTURES Toggles the printing of pictures. Default=on. DRAWINGS Toggles the printing of drawings. Default=on. COLLATE Sets whether copies will be sorted. Default=on. REVERSEORDER Sets the print order. Default=off. PRINTBLANK Sets whether blank pages will be printed. Default=on. MIRROR Sets emulsion down. Default=off. PRINTERMARKS Sets the printing of printers' marks. Default=off. NEGATIVE Sets negative printing. Default=Off. THUMBNAILS Prints multiple pages per sheet. Page size multipled
by scale must be less than 50% for thumbnails. Default=off. TILING/k Prints the page on as many sheets as required. Default=off. TILINGOVERLAP/d Sets by how much the tiles will overlap. Default=maximum
for minimum number of sheets. OUTPUT/k Sets the output type. Options: GRAYSCALE (default) | COLOR | SEPARATIONS | PROCESS
| SPOT. DISKFILE/s Specifies the file and path to which to print. PAGE/s The number of the page to print. MPG/s The master page and side to print. PAGERANGE/s The pages to print. DOCUMENT/s The name of the document to print. CHAPTER/s The name of the chapter to print. Examples: PrintDocument Command Definition url:PGScmd/printdocument Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above. Prints the {...} . PrintDocument ([SIDES <BOTH|EVEN|ODD>][SCALE <ACTUAL|FULLPAGE|scale>][COPIES copies][THUMBNAILS <ON|OFF>] [TILING <ON [TILINGOVERLAP amount]|OFF>] [PICTURES <ON|OFF>][DRAWINGS <ON|OFF>] [COLLATE <ON|OFF>][REVERSEORDER <ON|OFF>][PRINTBLANK <ON|OFF>] [PRINTERMARKS <ON|OFF>][PGS50: PRINTERMARKSOFFSET offset][PGS50: PRINTERMARKSLENGTH length] [MIRROR <ON|OFF>][NEGATIVE <ON|OFF>] [OUTPUT <GRAYSCALE | COLOR | SEPARATIONS | PROCESS | SPOT] [PGS40: IMPOSITION <NORMAL | SIGNATURE hcount vcount creep | REPEATING hcount vcount hgap vgap>] [PGS41: MAILMERGE <ON|OFF> [ASK | FILE file][FIRSTRECORD record][LASTRECORD record]] [PAGE document:...-page | MPG document:...-masterpage:side | PAGERANGE document:... "page,from-to,from-to,..." | DOCUMENT document | CHAPTER document:...])
print copies 2 collate off pagerange 1-5,7,9-14
print sides even chapter Astronomy.doc:Planets
print page ""
created:2006-03-30 17:46:00 last updated:2006-03-30 17:46:00
Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
User Contributed Comments For PrintDocument
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Dan Kilroy wrote... 2006-05-04 15:06:26
See Also:
User Contributed Comments For PrintDocument
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