A Commands

PageStream A Command Reference



A Commands  Command Section By Letter  url:PGScmd/a commands
  created:2006-03-10 16:50:13   last updated:2006-08-17 15:02:06
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

User Contributed Comments For A Commands
Tim Doty wrote...2006-05-16 19:08:41

AddBorder Borders Extension

AddBorder <border name>

This command is used to create a border. Note that the border will only exist in a logical sense. To actually use the border you must add paths and otherwise define the border.


Extension AddBorder "My Border"

AddBorderPath, DeleteBorder, DeleteBorderPath, DuplicateBorder, SaveBorders

Tim Doty wrote...2006-05-16 19:15:09

AddBorderPath Border Extension

AddBorderPath <border name> <id> <width> <height>

<border name> is the border to add the path to
<id> is a number to uniquely identify the path in the border. By convention the first path is 0, the second path is 1, etc. but in fact PageStream doesn't care (though the numbers must be positive).
<width> is the width of the path (in the configured units of measure?)
<height> is the height of the path

This command is used to add a path to the named border. This only attaches the path information to the border, to make the path a visible part of the border requires the SetBorder command.

The placement of the path when adding it is very significant. If the path is to be used for corners then it is placed in the upper left corner of the page with its upper and left sides aligned with those of the page. If the path is to be used for middle or dash pieces then it is placed the same, but shifted half off the page.


Extension AddBorderPath "My Border" 0 2.5 3.75

AddBorder, DeleteBorder, DeleteBorderPath, SetBorder, SetBorderPath

User Contributed Comments For A Commands