EditPath Object Command

EDITPATH Object Commands

Sets the bounding box coordinates of a selected path.

editpath [POSITION left top right bottom] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number]

POSITION/d The coordinates of the object.

ROTATE/d The rotation angle.

SKEW/d The slant and twist angle.

SLANT/d The slant angle.

TWIST/d The twist angle.

ABOUT/d The rotation point.

ABOUTCENTER Rotates around its center.

constraint/k The aspect ratio constraint toggle.

Options: CONSTRAIN|FREE (default). printable/k The print object toggle.

Options: PRINT (default)|NOPRINT.

DOCUMENT/s The document name.

WINDOW/s The window name.

OBJECTID/i The number of the object to edit.


All options default to the current values if not specified.


editpath position 1.75 1.5 2.75 2.5

editpath position 3 3 6 6 constrain

editpath position 2 2.5 3.125 5.625 page 'MyDoc~6'


EditPath  Command Definition  url:PGScmd/editpath
  created:2006-03-30 14:03:53   last updated:2006-03-30 14:03:53
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

User Contributed Comments For EditPath
Dan Kilroy wrote...2006-05-03 19:44:25

Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above.

Edit the {...} .

EditPath ([POSITION left top right bottom [ADJUST]] [FRAMELESS | FRAMED] [CONTENTOFFSET x y] [CONTENTSCALE x y] [CONTENTROTATE rotation | CONTENTSKEW slant twist] [ROTATE rotation | SKEW slant twist | SLANT slant | TWIST twist] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid])




See Also:




Tim Doty wrote...2007-05-08 18:27:05

Note: EditPath() will coerce any negative position into zero. If you need to move an object to any arbitrary position first use this command to move the object to the upper left corner of the page, then use Move('Offset', x, y).


EditPath('Position', 0, 0, width, height)
Move('Offset', x, y)

User Contributed Comments For EditPath