

Here is a sampling of the software projects I have been either the lead, or sole, software engineer for. Having just created this page, I am trying to get them listed with a brief write up (with screenshots when possible). If you are curious and want more information on a project, just drop me a line. My email address,, is at the bottom of every page.


Razercut for iOS and Android

Web & Email Forums

DoReMe Controller for iOS

Over-The-Air Stream Originator

Daily Event Manager

EquusHD Online Equine Classified

Secure FTP Server

EAS Transceiver

Geographic Boundary Database Editor

Quad Beverage Antennae Modeling

Speech-To-Text Closed Caption Generation

Blumark Laboratories Web Site

ffmpeg Blackmagic Decklink Module


Projects  Chapter  url:
  created:2020-01-10 11:29:54   last updated:2021-01-07 16:30:54
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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