Bug Tracking

For the most part, if you are unsure on how to use a function, or need other help, the best way to get that help is to post to the PageStreamSupport mailing list.

If you are sure that the problem is in PageStream, we now have a bugzilla database running where you can post your bug. Gunther Lemm was kind enough to set it up, and has written a short introduction to bugzilla. By using Bugzilla, you can help us keep track of the bugs, and provide a single place where others can post feedback about that problem. You will also know when it was fixed because the bug will be "closed" and you will be automatically notified. In the future, this is the only reasonable way we will be able to accept bug reports.

Deron Kazmaier

Using PageStream's Bugzilla
by Gunther Lemm

Hi there, most of you don't seem to like Bugzilla. I guess that's because was invented by Mozilla developers who obviously were rather interested in features than in good user interface ;-) But Bugzilla is not as bad as it looks. In most cases, the trick is to concentrate on the few important things that are displayed and to ignore all the other stuff. I'll now give short intro on how to submit and query bugs:

########################## account creation ############################

First of all: Create a personal user account. You'll need it to submit bug reports (you won't need it to query reports). To do this, go to http://bugzilla.pagestream.org and click on the link "Open a new Bugzilla account". Enter your email address and your real name and hit the "Create Account" button. Take a look at your mailbox. There should be a mail from bugzilla@pagestream.org that tells you what you password is.

Click the link "Log in to an existing account" on the bugzilla start page. After you logged in, you'll see the query page. At the bottom of it, there's an account-related box. Here you can change your password by clicking on the link "prefs".

####################### querying bug reports ###########################

To get lists of submitted bugs, you'll have to use the query page (actually, you should automatically be there after logging in). This page is divided into three parts (the user accunt box at the bottom would be the fourth part). Don't get confused by that optical division into parts and all those options and fields. All those options are logically ANDed. In most cases you won't even need to enter a search string.

After submitting a query, you'll get a list of bugs. Either click on the bug number to read the description of a single bug or hit "Long Format"
to read all listed bugs at once. Feel free to add comments to existing bugs!

### Listing all bugs of a certain programm module: ###

1) Select the module in the upper part of the query page. The list is called "Components". You can select one or more components. If you only
want bugs that are related to a certain release version, additionally select a version nuber from the version list next to the component list.

2) Hit the "Search" button in the upper right corner

3) You'll get a list of related bugs.

### Listing all bugs with a certain state: ###

1) Go to middle part of the query page where you see a "Status" list.

2) Select the bug status you want to be listed (for example "NEW")

3) Hit one of the "Search" buttons.

### Listing recent bugs: ###

1) Go to the "Bug Changes" section in the middle part of the query page.

2) Enter the number of days in "Only bugs changed in the last" x "days".

3) Find some search button to click on.

Take some time to play around with all those search options if the three examples above don't fit your needs.

###################### submitting bug reports ##########################

1) Click on the link "New" inside the box at the bottom of the query page (actually it appears an almost every page).

2) Select appropriate values for "Version", "Component", "OS" and "Severity". Select component "Enhancement Requests" if you just want to do some brainstorming about additional PS features.

3) Enter a very short description of your bug in the field "Summary".

4) Enter a detailled description in the textframe "Description". Don't forget to add a line that describes your system (something like Susi 9.5
/ KDE 1.2.3 / Kernel 2.6.0-test75). I don't think it's possible to attach the systeminfo to you account, so you'll always have to write or copy & paste it.

5) Hit the "Commit" button and you're done.

Deron will be notified by mail that there's a new bug report.


Adding a new bug report usually doesn't take any longer than writing an email and the good thing about it is that you can add additional comments to your own bug reports at any time. This way additional comments will always be related to the bug - just give it a try ;-)

Still confused about bugzilla? Just ask!


Bug Tracking  Section  url:bugtracking
  created:2006-08-30 19:08:19   last updated:2006-08-30 20:31:03
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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