AlertRequester Dialog Box Command

Display a message to the user.

button = AlertRequester (type/k, message/s, buttons/s)

type/k is a keyword of [ERROR|WARNING|NOTE|QUESTION], where ERROR is the default. Type influences the imagery in the alert.

message/s is the string to display.

buttons/s is a list of button strings seperated by a vertical bar.

returns the index into buttons parameter of the button pressed. First entry is 0.

Python users can use the AlertType_Error, AlertType_Warning|AlertType_Warn, AlertType_Note, or AlertType_Question keys for type.

See Also:
AppendListString, CloseResource, CreateLanguageEngineList, CreateList, CreateRequester, DoLanguageEngineFormatDate, DoLanguageEngineLocalizeString, DoRequester, FreeLanguageEngineList, FreeList, FreeRequester, GetCmdStringFromCoord, GetControlAttr, GetCoordFromString, GetFolderPath, GetResourceString, GetUIStringFromCoord, OpenResource, PrependListString, SetControlAttr, SortList

Additional example in ''''.

AlertRequester(AlertType_Error, "My Warning", "OK")

AlertRequester "Error" "My Warning" "OK"



AlertRequester  Command Definition  url:PGScmd/alertrequester
  created:2006-05-04 17:22:21   last updated:2006-09-14 09:42:21
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

User Contributed Comments For AlertRequester
Tim Doty wrote...2006-05-27 08:36:52

There's a formatting bug in the command:

Python users can use the AlertType_Error, AlertType_Warning, AlertType_Warn, AlertType_Note, or AlertType_Question keys for type.

Also, when using multiple buttons they are numbered from right to left instead of the expected left to right. For example,


result = AlertRequester(AlertType_Question, GetResourceString(rscH, 101, 3)['.result'], "Cancel|OK")
if result['.result'] == 0:
# do some action

displays the buttons as Cancel then OK, but Cancel is index 1 and OK is index 0.

User Contributed Comments For AlertRequester