Bug #312 - Mac Pagestream exits on attempt to load pdf doc
Product:PageStream (MacOSX)Reported By:Ernest Unrau
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (2 are watching)
Status:Fixed in 23:07:41
Category:File OperationsUpdated:2010-10-19 23:07:41
Summary:Mac Pagestream exits on attempt to load pdf doc
Keywords:pdf document exit pagestream
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I may be mistaken, but I was given to understand the newer Pagestream is supposed to be able to open/load pdf docs? I attempted to open a a couple of pdf document, each created by the same version of Pagestream, one the same test PGS document I sent you, the other a very simple page with a vector object and a text object. I also attempted loading a pdf document created by (mac) Preview. In each case Pagestream unceremoniously exited. I then tried to bring in the pdf document as an import item, and Pagestream simply put up a cross-box.

Back to the drawing board on this one, I guess. But I also don't know what I supposed to be able to expect from Pagestream in this regard. I don't see any other reports on it.


T.J. Zweers wrote...2010-10-20 01:33:13

Hmm, can happen.
It is hit and miss situation with the PDF import. Sometimes the whole document (text and illustrations) is imported, sometimes only parts (most of the times) like some illustrations (not all), sometimes nothing.
Sometimes even a surprise: a masked illustration in the pdf is shown as an original, full, version.

But only a PageStream 5 Pro can load PDF's!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2010-10-20 12:46:26

The PDF import can be hit or miss, but generally pretty good. While a PDF viewer just draws the low level objects as defined in the file, PageStream tries to group them back into columns of text etc. Not an easy task, but has saved me many times from having to recreate from scratch. Often a document will still need some tweaking, but better than starting over by a long shot. The PDF filters seems to get at least one improvement with each release based on document sent it that fail to load properly.

I can't say that I usually test the loading of PDFs straight out of PageStream! I took the document you sent earlier to me privately (ActionView.pgs) and saved it as a PDF using the defaults. PageStream loaded it back in just fine! Ok, not just fine, it didn't get the new lines properly, but about 10 seconds to clean up.

So, if you changed something in the save as PDF dialog, please tell me what so I can reproduce it. Otherwise, please attach a PDF to this bug report that fails to load for you and I can give it a try here. Also, if PageStream crashes, please attach the crash log that you get. The Mac has the best crash log that actually provides useful information.

Ernest Unrau wrote...2010-10-21 02:33:21

Okay, this appears to be at least one way to reproduce the exit: Just drop the pdf doc on to the dock icon that Pagestream puts up on the dock when it is running. But by using pagestream's own "open" menu item, the load is successful - except that in the case of my test pdf doc, it doesn't extract the image(s), only the text. This is a pdf document created by Preview via its "save as pdf" option from the print requester.

Crash log and the offending pdf document submitted via direct email.

Ernest Unrau

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2010-10-25 20:04:48

Error was with loading of a PDF by dragging it to the PageStream icon. Thanks for the report and tracking it down to the real problem!

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:04:48 -0400]

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Bug #312 - Mac Pagestream exits on attempt to load pdf doc by Ernest Unrau   pdf document exit pagestream
  created:2010-10-19 23:07:41   last updated:2010-10-19 23:07:41
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