Bug #224 - Color mode change gives not always the correct color
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:MinorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Low sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 03:56:19
Category:Document/LayoutUpdated:2008-03-16 03:56:19
Summary:Color mode change gives not always the correct color
Keywords:Color mode
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A small bug or an inconvenience, with unlocked (!) black and white colors.

I have a RGB Black color with in the Edit Color window all sliders (RGB) to the left.
When changing the color mode from RGB to Gray, the color in the swatch is still Black and the slider is to the left (0%). When clicking on OK you think you have a Black color again, but it's White!
Before clicking on OK, click on the slider: the swatch color turns immediately to White! So the slider must be placed to the right (100%)...

The opposite is also true: turn a RGB White color to Gray White and you have to accommodate the slider to 0% to get White.

When changing the Gray Black (and White) to RGB Black (and White) the sliders (and the swatch color) are on the right spot!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2008-04-06 23:57:30

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 23:57:30 -0400]

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Bug #224 - Color mode change gives not always the correct color by T.J. Zweers   Color mode
  created:2008-03-16 03:56:19   last updated:2008-03-16 03:56:19
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