Bug #48 - Duplex printing
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:EnhancementAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in Reported:2005-02-03 00:03:00
Category:PrintingUpdated:2005-02-03 00:03:00
Summary:Duplex printing
Keywords:duplex printing,postscript
Attached Files:No files attached.
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Currently printing to a duplex printer results in long-edge flip duplexing. Period. This does not, for example, allow printing a single sheet and spitting it right out (minor) or printing a booklet (requires short-edge flip for correct orientation).

The workaround I use is to print to file. If I convert that to PDF the postscript code that forces long-edge flip is stripped and when I print the PDF I can use the normal print requestor to select what I want (none, short-edge or long-edge).

What I would like is that ability in the PgS print requester. A drop-down with those three options should suffice. Even better would be to default to the appropriate setting for binding-edge (see bug 135), although it should still allow the user to override.

My apologies if this is duplicated, but I did a search on the word "duplex" and bugzilla said no results found...

Tim Doty wrote...2007-12-16 22:34:25

not sure when this was fixed, but it works in current versions (e.g.,

[Status updated to 'Fixed in ' on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:34:25 -0500]

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Bug #48 - Duplex printing by Tim Doty   duplex printing,postscript
  created:2005-02-03 00:03:00   last updated:2005-02-03 00:03:00
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