Bug #275 - Allow replacing concatenated string arguments with lists
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:EnhancementAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 10:07:42
Category:ScriptingUpdated:2009-01-31 10:07:42
Summary:Allow replacing concatenated string arguments with lists
Keywords:script lists
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If a script command (such as AlertRequester) takes an argument that consists of a concatenated list of strings using a delimiter allow the argument to be replaced with a list instead. For example,

AlertRequester(AlertType_Error, "some error", [ "^Ok", "~Cancel", "Other" ] )

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-01-31 13:22:10

Not sure how creating a list is going to be any easier but I've implemented this for AlertRequester. I'm not aware of any other script commands that take concatenated arguments but if another exists let me know.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:22:10 -0500]

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Bug #275 - Allow replacing concatenated string arguments with lists by Tim Doty   script lists
  created:2009-01-31 10:07:42   last updated:2009-01-31 10:07:42
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