Bug #180 - PGS hyphens not at all or at the wrong place
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 15:24:01
Category:Text EditingUpdated:2007-10-03 15:24:01
Summary:PGS hyphens not at all or at the wrong place
Keywords:hyphenation not or wrong
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PGS hates hyphening words between '' or "". So a word like 'panorama' or "panorama" will not be hyphened, but the word panorama will be.

In my Dutch hyphen file I have the correct place where a word should be hyphened (with the buttons Find and Break), but PGS thinks otherwise.

The offending words I found so far (not much, but strange behaviour):

correct hyphen (PGS also)

PGS hyphens in document (wrong)

I now use a soft hyphen to correct this behaviour.

I must say that in 99 % of the time (maybe even better!), PGS hyphens correct!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2007-10-10 23:44:30

This doesn't seem to be related to quotes. The words listed, between quotes or not, break in document incorrectly. However, I think they break correctly in define hyphenation. It might be that it is breaking with the wrong language in text? Not sure. Needs more testing. If you have any ideas let me know.

[Status updated to 'Assigned' on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 23:44:30 -0400]

T.J. Zweers wrote...2007-10-11 02:24:51

You're right! It has nothing to do with quotes...
It's another feature.

It has something to do with the first character being a capital!
...panorama will hyphen good, but Panorama doesn't!?
Although Define Hyphenation, Find, will hyphen Panorama and panorama good (although Panorama wil be shown as pa~no~ra~ma - no capital).

BTW: the language is Nederlands, all the way...

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2007-10-13 15:08:40

Ok, two things. The hyphenation of capitalized words is controlled in Set Hyphenation. This is normal expected behavior and not a bug.

The bug however is related to hyphenating words with automatic ligatures! Filmprint will break in Define Hyphenation properly, but in text with automatic ligatures on will place the break at filmp~rint instead of film~print.

T.J. Zweers wrote...2007-10-13 17:10:11

Just a remark: the word Panorama isn't capitalized, only the first character is a capital (and doesn't hyphen, and the word panorama does). And why will panorama be hyphened and Panorama not?

The bug however:
Indeed, when automatic ligatures is on, some of the words hyphens strangely.
When automatic ligatures is off, the word hyphens according my Dutch hyphen file.
Nice detective work!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2007-10-13 19:16:46

(Hyphenate uppercase can be enabled in Set Hyphenation)

Ligature shifting hyphenation points fixed.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 19:16:46 -0400]

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Bug #180 - PGS hyphens not at all or at the wrong place by T.J. Zweers   hyphenation not or wrong
  created:2007-10-03 15:24:01   last updated:2007-10-03 15:24:01
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