Bug #171 - Fonts not properly embedded in PDF
Product:PageStream (Linux)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 09:57:25
Category:File OperationsUpdated:2007-09-08 09:57:25
Summary:Fonts not properly embedded in PDF
Keywords:PDF, save, font embedding, BMP, Basic Multilingual Plane
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Problem 1: crash when embed "All" is selected and [basic fonts are in use | basic font PgS does not report in use is used?]

Problem 2: fonts outside of BMP not encoded properly
For example, a font for cuneiform (which lies outside of the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane) is reported by the PDF as having the font embedded, but no characters are shown. (verified in KPDF and Acrobat Reader)

Problem 3: embedded fonts displayed incorrectly
For example, a document using Alphabetum, italicized, results in a PDF with Alphabetum regular.

Problem 4: fonts incorrectly encoded
At least some fonts are incorrectly encoded. This happens with, for example, Wingding (Wingding was used only in capacity for bullets).

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-01 21:54:35

I can't speak to any of your specific, but much about this has been fixed and support for many font encoding/embedding added. has one new change that supports more than 256 glyphs used in a TrueType font at once so I'll mark this fixed in, but most the issues in this bug were most likely fixed many versions ago.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 21:54:35 -0500]

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Bug #171 - Fonts not properly embedded in PDF by Tim Doty   PDF, save, font embedding, BMP, Basic Multilingual Plane
  created:2007-09-08 09:57:25   last updated:2007-09-08 09:57:25
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