Bug #166 - unable to find external objects when printing or exporting to PDF
Product:PageStream (Linux)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Works for MeReported:2007-09-02 21:48:10
Category:PrintingUpdated:2007-09-02 21:48:10
Summary:unable to find external objects when printing or exporting to PDF
Keywords:external, print, export
Attached Files:No files attached.
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PageStream sometimes fails to load external objects (e.g., drawings or pictures) when printing or saving as PDF. I know this often works, but there are times, such as now, when every external object not loaded by virtue of having visited the page generates a "find object" requester.

In these cases the "find object" requester does not display the file system and it is impossible to navigate to the object for it to be loaded. Canceling the operation and going to the page in question causes the object to be loaded and PageStream is able to then print/export with it.


Previously observed behavior is now altered. This is affecting tif's, png's and ilus (pgs vector) external files. At least one (an ilus) was corrupted in the document and had to be placed again.

Also, going to the page before hand as a workaround is *not* working, PgS is still getting errors trying to load the external images. The path listed in the requester is correct (in the form of file:///some/path/to/file.name) but the file system is not accessible. It is rather like the handle is being null-referenced and so invalid.

Tim Doty wrote...2007-09-02 21:53:26

Note: PgS restarted to make sure, but there seems to be no way of printing or exporting anything with external objects.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-01 22:00:46

Works ok here, so I don't know if this is something that got fixed, or just got lucky/unlucky.

[Status updated to 'Works for Me' on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 22:00:46 -0500]

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Bug #166 - unable to find external objects when printing or exporting to PDF by Tim Doty   external, print, export
  created:2007-09-02 21:48:10   last updated:2007-09-02 21:48:10
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