Results 981 - 990 of 1633.

SaveStyleTags updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-04 16:50:04
SAVESTYLETAGS Style Commands This saves the current style tags in an IFF CTAG file. savestyletags [type] [progress] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | CHAPTER name] FILE/s The filename and path of the style tag file to save. ASK Opens a file selector to select the file. type/k The type of style tags to save. Options: ALL (default) |...

EndStyleTag updated:2006-03-30 14:03:54 last comment:2006-05-04 16:48:49
ENDSTYLETAG Style Commands Ends modification of a style tag. endstyletag [STYLETAG name] STYLETAG/s The style tag being modified. Examples: endstyletag styletag 'Headline'

SetStyleTagName updated:2006-03-31 10:52:59 last comment:2006-05-04 16:46:27
SETSTYLETAGNAME Style Commands Changes the name of a style tag. setstyletagname [STYLETAG name] name/s The new name of the style tag. STYLETAG/s The current name of the style tag. Examples: setstyletagname 'Body Text' styletag 'paragraph text'

NewStyleTag updated:2006-03-30 17:19:29 last comment:2006-05-04 16:44:55
NEWSTYLETAG Style Commands Creates a new character, paragraph, object or color style tag. newstyletag [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | CHAPTER name] name/s The name of the new style tag. type/k The type of style tag. Options: CHARACTER | PARAGRAPH | OBJECT | COLOR | FPATTERN | LPATTERN. DOCUMENT/s The document name....

GetBusyRequester updated:2006-03-30 22:20:06 last comment:2006-05-04 16:44:37
GETBUSYREQUESTER Dialog Box Queries Gets the Stop button state in an open busy dialog box. getbusyrequester handle/i The handle of the dialog box. Results: 0 is returned to RESULT if the Stop button has not been pressed; otherwise, 1 is returned. Examples: openbusyrequester message 'Thinking hard...' thermometer enabled...

SetBusyRequester updated:2006-03-31 10:52:53 last comment:2006-05-04 16:44:28
SETBUSYREQUESTER Dialog Box Commands Sets the thermometer and message for an open busy dialog box. setbusyrequester [MESSAGE text] [THERMOMETER status] [ABORT status] [TOTAL value] [CURRENT value] handle/i The handle of the dialog box to set. MESSAGE/s The single line of text to display. THERMOMETER/k Specifies whether the thermometer...

OpenBusyRequester updated:2006-03-30 17:26:09 last comment:2006-05-04 16:44:21
OPENBUSYREQUESTER Dialog Box Commands Displays a busy dialog box. Use this to provide feedback during a lengthy script process. Returns the dialog box handle to RESULT. openbusyrequester [MESSAGE text] [THERMOMETER status] [ABORT status] [TOTAL value] [CURRENT value] MESSAGE/s The single line of text to display. THERMOMETER/k Specifies...

FreeARexxList updated:2006-03-30 14:17:37 last comment:2006-05-04 16:44:11
FREEAREXXLIST Dialog Box Commands Unallocates an allocated list. You should always do this when you are finished with a list or when the script is exiting, to prevent loss of memory. freearexxlist listhandle/i The list to unallocate. Examples: freearexxlist iTestList ...

GetARexxGadget updated:2006-03-30 22:20:06 last comment:2006-05-04 16:43:48
GETAREXXGADGET Dialog Box Queries Gets the current state of a control. This is normally used after a dorequester command returns. getarexxgadget dbhandle/i The dialog box to interrogate. ctlhandle/i The is the control to interrogate. attribute/s The control attribute to get. Options: CHECKED For checkbox controls. Returns 0 if...

SetArexxGadget updated:2006-05-03 11:41:34 last comment:2006-05-04 16:43:40
SETAREXXGADGET Dialog Box Commands Resets a control's parameters. The dialog box and control must first be added. setarexxgadget [LEFT left] [TOP top] [WIDTH width] [HEIGHT height] [LABEL name] [LABELPOS pos] [STRING text] [BORDER style] [CHECKED status] [LIST handle] [CURRENT value] [TOTAL value] dbox/i The dialog box handle. dhandle/i...

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