Results 781 - 790 of 1633.

AutoBackup updated:2006-07-01 14:40:09
PageStream can make a backup copy of your document each time you save it. The title of each backup copy is the document name plus a suffix of bak and the backup number. For example, Report.bak17. To create backup copies of your document: Choose ''Preferences'' from the ''File'' menu and click on the...

AutoSave updated:2006-07-01 14:37:31
PageStream can automatically save your documents at regular intervals. It will attempt to save during a period of non-activity so as not to interrupt your work. To save your document at regular intervals: Choose ''Preferences'' from the ''File'' menu and click on the ''General'' tab. Select...

Saving a Document for the First Time updated:2006-07-01 14:34:54
1. Choose ''Save'' from the ''File'' menu. Enter a name in the ''Save'' file selector. 2. Click ''Save''. To save a document with a different name: Choose ''Save As'' from the ''File'' menu. Enter a name in the...

Appending a Document updated:2006-07-01 14:34:13
PageStream can merge documents together if you decide to combine two projects after creating them separately. One document can be appended to the end of another document. All pages and chapters in the second document will be appended after any pages and chapters in the first document. To append a document to another document: Open the first document...

Recent Documents updated:2006-07-01 14:00:35
You can save time when opening recently edited files by choosing ''Open Recent'' from the ''File'' menu. The last eight opened documents will be listed in its submenu. Select a document name to open it.

Common Questions updated:2006-06-30 08:52:58

Pagination updated:2006-06-29 13:55:07

Pages updated:2006-06-28 21:04:20

MasterPages updated:2006-06-28 17:37:07
Every page is based on a master page in PageStream. Master pages define the size and orientation of pages, the placement of guides and the spacing of the grid. Objects placed on a master page will be visible on all pages based on that master page.

Documents updated:2006-06-28 17:34:12
Documents Chapter

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