Bug #267 - The procedure entry point SLD_CloseColorProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library SoftlogikDisp.dll
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Ron Mullens
Severity:MajorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:High sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 11:23:36
Category:InstallationUpdated:2009-01-12 11:23:36
Summary:The procedure entry point SLD_CloseColorProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library SoftlogikDisp.dll
Keywords:Open Pagestream Error
Attached Files:No files attached.
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When opening Pagestream I get the following error: "The procedure entry point SLD_CloseColorProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library SoftlogikDisp.dll" Clicking on OK brings up the error a 2nd time, then clicking OK lets Pagestream finish loading. Don't know if this is related to the error but when saving as a PDF the colors are all messed up.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-01-12 12:05:05

The error is not a problem with saving PDF. The only time this call is used is when opening PDF document (may seem related but they are not). If you have a simple PageStream document to demonstrate the color problem I would like to see it. Note, if you use CMYK colors it may not appear on screen the same depending on the viewer. If you are trying to generate a document for printing plates that is not a problem. Otherwise, use RGB colors for better on screen faithfulness.

I'm going to close this bug because the summary issue (missing call) is resolved. If a different issue with colors in created PDF document exists please open a new bug with supporting steps or document. Thanks!

Fixed in next release.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:05:05 -0500]

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Bug #267 - The procedure entry point SLD_CloseColorProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library SoftlogikDisp.dll by Ron Mullens   Open Pagestream Error
  created:2009-01-12 11:23:36   last updated:2009-01-12 11:23:36
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