Bug #55 - A rotated circle gives at some degrees a spike
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 16:20:31
Category:Drawing ToolsUpdated:2007-08-13 16:20:31
Summary:A rotated circle gives at some degrees a spike
Keywords:Rotated circle spike
Attached Files:CircleSpike.jpgLen:406,972 bytesMD5:da2ebb6c92fc6c7eeddaed75a952a60e
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A circle, ellipse, gives rotated a line to the left, a spike (leak). Not at 0 degree, but at 5 or 10 degree (and so on).
The spike is seen not only on screen, sometimes will it be printed to a bitmap printer. However a PostScript (and PDF) doesn?t have this spike!
Some characters seem also to have this problem (line to the left) at some magnifications (not all)!

Now make that circle into a path. After this conversion look at 0 degrees (the most right point at the circle), and zoom in to at least 1000 %.
There are three (!) nodes (or points), instead of one or maybe two.
And let that be the place where the spike comes from, when the circle (not a path!) is rotated.

T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-04-09 10:31:47
T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-04-09 10:32:15

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:32:15 -0400]

T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-04-09 10:32:34
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Bug #55 - A rotated circle gives at some degrees a spike by T.J. Zweers   Rotated circle spike
  created:2007-08-13 16:20:31   last updated:2007-08-13 16:20:31
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