Bug #29 - Border sides with two dashes and no middle overwrite corners
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:MinorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:NewReported:2004-12-24 19:57:00
Category:Drawing ToolsUpdated:2004-12-24 19:57:00
Summary:Border sides with two dashes and no middle overwrite corners
Keywords:border creation,custom border
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I discovered this setting up a simple border with one dash (flip) and one corner (flip). When adding the dash with keyword "all" the resultant border overwrote the corners with dashes. When adding exactly the dashes needed (0 to 3) there was no problem.

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Bug #29 - Border sides with two dashes and no middle overwrite corners by Tim Doty   border creation,custom border
  created:2004-12-24 19:57:00   last updated:2004-12-24 19:57:00
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