Bug #281 - Receive error about SoftLogikDisp.dll when starting PGS.
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Kahler
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Duplicate of #267Reported:2009-03-14 12:58:42
Category:Display/User InterfaceUpdated:2009-03-14 12:58:42
Summary:Receive error about SoftLogikDisp.dll when starting PGS.
Keywords:SoftLogikDisp.dll display error
Attached Files:pgs_error.jpgLen:50,785 bytesMD5:266e78aa6bf35be4278a5fb33f97d017
 pgs_error1.jpgLen:50,785 bytesMD5:266e78aa6bf35be4278a5fb33f97d017
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After launching PGS the following error dialog box appears twice.

PageStream5: PageStream5Pro.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point SLD_CloseColorProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library SoftLogikDisp.dll.

The error occurs every time this version is launched, but does not occur in prior versions loaded on same system.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-14 13:47:40

[Status updated to 'Duplicate of #0' on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 13:47:40 -0400]

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-14 13:58:54
Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-14 13:59:31

My mistake. Duplicate of #267.

Tim Kahler wrote...2009-03-15 00:29:38

I did a search for 'SoftLogikDisp.dll', but didn't find anything, so I added this bug. Is there a problem with the search function?
Also, I can't find #267 in the list of bugs, I used your direct link to this bug then changed the number to find it. Is there an easy way to review all bugs both open and closed?

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-15 11:46:48

#267 is closed because it is already been fixed for the next release. If you search with the default "open bugs" selected you won't find it. If you want to search in all open & closed bugs, simple choose "All" in the popup on the search line.

If you have other questions about the bug tracker, simply post a message on the Yahoo group PageStreamSupport. Might stir up people's curiosity for those who fail to use it.

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Bug #281 - Receive error about SoftLogikDisp.dll when starting PGS. by Tim Kahler   SoftLogikDisp.dll display error
  created:2009-03-14 12:58:42   last updated:2009-03-14 12:58:42
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