Bug #215 - Deleting a color used by text freezes PGS
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Duplicate of #217Reported:2008-01-24 02:06:35
Category:Document/LayoutUpdated:2008-01-24 02:06:35
Summary:Deleting a color used by text freezes PGS
Keywords:delete text color
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Make some text.
It doesn't matter if it is made on a blank document or in a column (text frame).

With Line & Fill in the menu Type (Ctrl-L) you can make the fill any color you like (except Black or White which are locked). Also you can make the line any color you like (except Black or White) and afterwards deselect the stroke (not necessary but then the character 'looks' the same).

Now delete one of the colors you made the text in (for instance in the Color Palette). Now go to the next page or Refresh the screen.

PGS freezes (crashes).

If you do the same with an object, for instance a ellipse or a text frame, than the (deleted) color turns into a blackish one: <custom>. Not too much harm there!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2008-06-02 16:32:50

[Status updated to 'Duplicate of #217' on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 16:32:50 -0400]

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Bug #215 - Deleting a color used by text freezes PGS by T.J. Zweers   delete text color
  created:2008-01-24 02:06:35   last updated:2008-01-24 02:06:35
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