Bug #183 - PDF inside PGS, or to PS and them PDF
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 11:02:04
Category:PrintingUpdated:2007-10-19 11:02:04
Summary:PDF inside PGS, or to PS and them PDF
Keywords:PDF print
Attached Files:1PGStoPStoPDF.jpgLen:212,439 bytesMD5:5887e060a92327b48f71815d64d41425
 1PGSitself.jpgLen:272,507 bytesMD5:d9ebbadc3f51ef6ac5daccfdc7700e54
 1PGStoPDF.jpgLen:199,684 bytesMD5:434e379fbbc90c9504d35f10721a6b26
 1PGStoPDF1.jpgLen:199,684 bytesMD5:434e379fbbc90c9504d35f10721a6b26
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I made some screen dumps from the different ways PGS can make a PDF.

I started with 1PGSitself.jpg [the original].

With Save as PDF... you get 1PGStoPDF.jpg

With Send to PostScript option I get a PostScript file which I converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat 7. This gives 1PGStoPStoPDF.jpg.

Arrows and so:
Notice the complete missing of arrows 1PGStoPDF. In PGStoPStoPDF are white spots.
The sizes of the different PDF output of arrows are not similar to the original size in PGS itself!

In 1PGStoPDF the text is similar to 1PGSitself, only underline is gone.
In 1PGStoPSFtoPDF the Euro, the promille and the gulden (guilder) are not good. The 173 and 175 (decimal ASCII number) signs are switched.
The underline in 1PGStoPStoPDF is too thick.

T.J. Zweers wrote...2007-10-19 11:10:31

Comment: 1PGStoPDF1.jpg can be ignored. It happend while I was logged in and looked at 1PGStoPDF.jpg...

T.J. Zweers wrote...2007-10-19 11:15:01

I forgot to add that the transparancy in 1PGStoPStoPDF is gone (bottom of the illustration).

T.J. Zweers wrote...2007-10-19 17:20:17

The shape, in PDF, of diamond, ball and ellipse differ sligthly from the ones presented in PGS itself.

T.J. Zweers wrote...2008-06-23 11:09:00

I found another example:
Zi → Zu
works correct as PDF ( → = CTRL 8594).
Zi ← Zu
looks like Zi Z u in PDF
The ← (CTRL 8592) is missing and the subscript u is moved several spaces from the Z.

(PGS -> PostScript -> PDF)

T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-03-05 02:54:10

I just checked the PDF making of PGS itself (not PGS -> PS -> PDF, because this PGS crashes. And this has nothing to do with PDF or PS making, but the document - and consequently all others open as a collapsed window - opens at the most right bottom. And I cannot make this as a normal document window: only collapsed or full screen. And somehow this trying does crash PGS).

The ends are more or less correct, only they have small holes (white) in them.
The right feather has a black point. So are they combined paths?

The lines with arrows in the PDF are longer than in PGS.

The lines horizontal and with an angle have the same thickness.

All the characters are displayed correct.

All the colors from the ilus are in PDF much better than before.
Only the PGS Brown and Purple has more red.
PGS Blue, Cyan, Green and Magenta are too dark.
PGS Black, yellow, Red and Orange looks correct.

A lot of work done! Very good Deron!

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-05 11:01:12

Please don't report multiple items in a single bug report. If the process of reporting a bug is overtly difficult, please let me know. I've tried to make this process as easy as possible! Don't misunderstand, I appreciate your reports!

Now, to the individual bugs at hand:

Arrowheads: Good thing you provided a document. Lines with arrowheads that I draw work perfectly. Your document however has them in a scaled, external illustration and that appears to be the problem. I'll try and identify and fix the issue.

Characters: Glad to hear this is fixed for you.

Colors: You probably missed the similar bug that was filed and "fixed". If the color uses RGB to define the color, then it should now appear nearly identical between PageStream and Acrobat. On the other hand, if you create the color using CMYK color method, then it will look different. Generally speaking, if you are creating colors for screen display, use RGB. Only use CMYK for creating films for offset printing. A quick look at the file you sent me privately shows the colors are defined using CMYK.

[Status updated to 'Assigned' on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:01:12 -0500]

T.J. Zweers wrote...2011-06-07 15:29:46

Fixed, probably earlier than\n\n[Status updated to \'Fixed in\' on Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:29:46 -0400]

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Bug #183 - PDF inside PGS, or to PS and them PDF by T.J. Zweers   PDF print
  created:2007-10-19 11:02:04   last updated:2007-10-19 11:02:04
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