Bug #174 - recent filenames submenu uses zero width for underscores in filenames
Product:PageStream (Linux)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:TrivialAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 09:33:49
Category:Text EditingUpdated:2007-09-15 09:33:49
Summary:recent filenames submenu uses zero width for underscores in filenames
Keywords:Menu, Display
Attached Files:No files attached.
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Open or save a file with an underscore in the name. In the menu File/Open Recent the filename is listed, but as if the character width for the underscore was zero. That is, the underscore is displayed, but all text following is advanced to where the underscore starts.

Example: the file contained in the archive at http://amiga.serveftp.net/Temp/Subscript_space_problem.lha

Possibly caused by shortcut interpretion? (I can't think of anything else that combines an underscore with a regular character in the menus)

Tim Doty wrote...2007-09-15 16:29:00

Some days I'm not good at explaining. After talking with Theo I think the better way of describing it is this: the underscore is removed and the letter following it is underlined. This is similar to how shortcuts are coded and then interpreted in the resource files so maybe that has something to do with it? Meaning, the filename is passed as a string to the same function that handles underlining the keyboard shortcut?

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2007-10-13 20:01:05

The actual problem was that the underscore was being interpreted as a menu shortcut. Fixed in Windows. Can't reproduce for Linux as marked here.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 20:01:05 -0400]

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Bug #174 - recent filenames submenu uses zero width for underscores in filenames by Tim Doty   Menu, Display
  created:2007-09-15 09:33:49   last updated:2007-09-15 09:33:49
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