Bug #162 - Styles don't inherit some paragraph formats when set to As-Is
Product:PageStream (Linux)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:NewReported:2007-08-24 08:27:50
Category:Text EditingUpdated:2007-08-24 08:27:50
Summary:Styles don't inherit some paragraph formats when set to As-Is
Keywords:Styles, Inheritance, Paragraph
Attached Files:No files attached.
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This problem does not seem to exist in PgS Windows. In PgS Linux, however, there are problems with some paragraph formatting attributes.

1. First line indent
If a child style leaves "first line indent" value as blank so as to be as-is it becomes set to zero.

2. Spacing Before/After
If these are set to As-Is then PgS forces them None

In both these cases this prevents inheritance of the settings from the parent or elsewhere.

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Bug #162 - Styles don't inherit some paragraph formats when set to As-Is by Tim Doty   Styles, Inheritance, Paragraph
  created:2007-08-24 08:27:50   last updated:2007-08-24 08:27:50
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