Results 731 - 740 of 1633.

Paragraph and Character Styles updated:2006-07-25 12:31:41

Define Hyphenation updated:2006-07-25 12:29:15
To change hyphenation for every occurrence of a word: Choose ''Hyphenation'' from the ''Define'' submenu of the ''Edit'' menu to display the ''Define Hyphenation'' dialog box. Enter the word to hyphenate into the text box. Click ''Find'' to see if the word...

Paragraph Rules updated:2006-07-25 11:13:48
You can set paragraph rules to have PageStream automatically insert a horizontal line above and/or below a paragraph, and you can change the paragraph rules distance from the beginning or end of the paragraph, rule length and style. How to set a paragraph rule: 1. Open the ''Paragraph Rules'' dialog box. Choose ''Paragraph...

Indents updated:2006-07-25 11:07:18
Indents move paragraphs inward from the left and right edges of a text column. You can indent the left and/or right edges of an entire paragraph and indent the first line in the paragraph. To set indents: Choose ''Paragraph Format'' from the ''Type'' menu to display the ''Paragraph Format'' dialog...

Paragraph Spacing updated:2006-07-25 11:04:31
You can change the amount of space above and below paragraphs. Instead of pressing Return a second time after ending a paragraph to insert a blank line, you can specify the exact amount of space you want before and after paragraphs. If you choose to add space before paragraphs, PageStream will add the space before all paragraphs except the first paragraph...

Language updated:2006-07-25 10:59:06
Select from the ''Language'' submenu to choose from the installed languages and your page numbers, dates, times and hyphenation will change to reflect that language if you hadn't specified it in the aforementioned attributes. This attribute is also used for checking the spelling of the articles....

Convert Case updated:2006-07-25 10:56:00
The ''Convert Case'' submenu allows you to change the case of the selected text. It is not a real character attribute at this time, so you will have to change the case manually each time you want to do so. Note: It is possible to set a case text attribute for lower, upper and capitlized text via the internal macro commands. This text...

Character and Word Spacing updated:2006-07-24 21:54:42
Character spacing allows you to adjust the space surrounding each character. Each character in a font is designed with a certain amount of space around it. You can increase or decrease this space with character spacing. Word spacing allows you to adjust the space surrounding each word. The space character in each font determines the size of the space...

Size and Width updated:2006-07-21 11:06:31
The ''Size'' submenu allows you to select a preset or custom type size. You can set type at sizes up to 79,200pt. The ''Width'' submenu allows you to scale text horizontally from 1 to 650% in .01% increments. Changing the width by more than a small amount can distort the character designs....

Fonts updated:2006-07-21 11:00:44
The ''Font'' submenu allows you to select an installed font to apply to text. Note: Because AmigaOS does not support scrolling menus, and the amount of fonts installed on a computer system can easily exceed the screen space available to display all of them, a requester is provided for Amiga users to select a font from the...

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