Results 1411 - 1420 of 1633.

SL_InitTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_InitTM2D -- inits a 2-d tranformation matrix to a null transform. SYNOPSIS SL_InitTM2D(tm); A0 void SL_InitTM2D(TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to init or "zero out". SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D, SL_CreateTM2D, SL_DeltaApplyTM2D, SL_FreeTM2D, SL_GetTM2D, SL_InitTM2D,...

SL_SetTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_SetTM2D -- allows the initing of all values in a 2-d tm. SYNOPSIS SL_SetTM2D(tm, value_array, unit_array); A0 A1 A2 void SL_SetTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG *, ULONG *); FUNCTION This allows the user to set all six values that comprise a 2-d transformation matrix. Each array must have at least six entries. This is the order of the array as it corresponds...

SL_InvertTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_InvertTM2D -- inverts a 2-d tranformation matrix. SYNOPSIS success = SL_InvertTM2D(tm); D0A0 SLFLAG SL_InvertTM2D(TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION Computes the inverse of a 2-d transformation matrix. This is useful when one desires to map from destination to source instead of the usual source to destination. Not all matrices can be inverted. If a matrix has a...

SL_RotateTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_RotateTM2D -- applies a rotation to a 2-d transformation matrix. SYNOPSIS SL_RotateTM2D(tm, slant, slantunits, twist, twistunits, rx, ry); A0 D0 D1 D2 D3D4 D5 void SL_RotateTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG, ULONG, LONG, ULONG, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION Slant is the x angle of rotation and twist is the y angle of rotation. Positive numbers will perform...

SL_InverseApplyTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_InverseApplyTM2D -- applies the inverse of the 2-d tm to a x,y pair. SYNOPSIS SL_InverseApplyTM2D(tm, dx, dy, sx, sy); A0A1 A2D0 D1 void SL_InverseApplyTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG *, LONG *, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to invert and apply. dx - a pointer to the destination of the transformed x coordinate. This may be...

SL_DeltaApplyTM2D updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_DeltaApplyTM2D -- applies the 2-d tm to a x,y pair without the translation. SYNOPSIS SL_DeltaApplyTM2D(tm, dx, dy, sx, sy); A0 A1 A2 D0 D1 void SL_DeltaApplyTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG *, LONG *, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to apply without translation. dx - a pointer to the destination of the transformed x...

SL_CtoA updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_CtoA -- SYNOPSIS buff = SL_CtoA(value, defunits, buff); D0 D0 D1A0 SLCHAR *SL_CtoA(COORD, UWORD, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_AtoC, SL_AtoD, SL_CtoA, SL_DtoA, SL_NativeToUnicodeBuffer, SL_UnicodeToNativeBuffer.

SL_AtoC updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_AtoC -- SYNOPSIS value = SL_AtoC(buff, defunits, func, userdata); D0A0 D0A1 D1 COORD SL_AtoC(SLCHAR *, UWORD, SLFLAG (*)(SLCHAR *, SLTAGDATA, double *), SLTAGDATA); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_AtoC, SL_AtoD, SL_CtoA, SL_DtoA, SL_NativeToUnicodeBuffer, SL_UnicodeToNativeBuffer....

SL_stricmp updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_stricmp -- perform a case insensitive compare of two strings. SYNOPSIS result = SL_stricmp(str1, str2); D0 A0 A1 WORD SL_stricmp(SLCHAR *, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION Compares two strings without regard to case. Exactly like the C function stricmp(). It is implemented here because stricmp() is not an ANSI C function. INPUTS str1 - a null terminated...

SL_EndIFFSave updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37

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