Clipart on the WWW

by Deron Kazmaier
Looking for clip art? While a lot of the available clip art is designed for web site applications, there is still plenty of clip art for print. The best clip art is vector clip art that scales to the resolution of the printer to provide the most consistent output. A large list of links can be found at Nelson's Freelance has a small disorganized set of Adobe Illustrator format clip art at If you don't mind wading through a Russian language web site, a number of WMF clip art can be found at While .WMF files can not currently be used directly in PageStream you can convert these files using a number of platform specific utilities.

Also, scaling down bitmap clip art in PageStream will increase the resolution when printing and can turn an unusable piece into an exceptable one. Some web clip art can be found at CoolArchive's clip art section, Absolute Web Graphics Archive at, and a reasonably well organized set of 10,000 graphics can be found at


Clipart on the WWW  Section  url:PGSguide/clipartonthewww
  created:2006-06-19 17:26:10   last updated:2006-06-19 17:26:25
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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