Bug #254 - Filled tabs don't work in pdf or postscript output
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Ernest Unrau
Severity:MajorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:High sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 5.0.4Reported:2008-09-30 12:27:22
Category:Document/LayoutUpdated:2008-09-30 12:27:22
Summary:Filled tabs don't work in pdf or postscript output
Keywords:Filled tab tabs postscript pdf
Attached Files:FilledTab_internalpdf.pdfLen:3,238 bytesMD5:f37bc848433ba0d536a8d17ff005c47e
 BugRep_20080930.pgs4Len:8,982 bytesMD5:86dd59fffa65a1fb13e633d3db170b12
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Filled-Tabs, PageStream4 Amiga (30/01/2003)


* on screen.
* when printing to laserjet4 compatible printer.


* when printing postscript to disk with fonts either embedded or non-embedded (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.).

* when creating a pdf doc via "Save as pdf" (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.).

* Manually filling the tabbed space (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.)

* Manually filled tabs when filled from the right (ie. by inserting to the left of the character that was tab positioned) changes the tab position. The tab position is moved to the left.

* With tracking off and proportionate font doesn't work as above (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.)

* With tracking off and tab as courier font doesn't work as above (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.)

* Filled tabs as text objects do not work (tabs become condensed to the left whether right tab, left tab or decimal tab etc.)

* No change on the above with Amiga char-set and smart dashes/bullets off.

* No change on the above with Windows char-set and smart dashes/bullets off.

-Ernest Unrau
Morden, Manitoba

Ernest Unrau wrote...2008-09-30 16:12:49

Work-around for above: hyphen works for a filled tab. It can also be made to work with Courier font and set the fill character to \8228. But the courier font is a dmf font, so not yet sure if it will work if the font is converted to t a type 1. In order to embed fonts without having them converted to type 3 one must convert to type 1 postscript. But then the character mapping may get changed.

But periods and alt-8 (\183) which is the period centered are examples of character that do not work for filled tabs.

Ernest Unrau wrote...2008-09-30 23:19:48

Results from more testing: without an exhaustive test, it appears the period (.), periodcentered (? = \183) and bullet (\8226) cannot be used as filled tab fill characters.

Characters that can be used include hyphen (-), ellipsis (\8230) and guillemotright (?).


Deron Kazmaier wrote...2008-11-30 17:00:28

I know this doesn't help much, but this has been fixed in 5.0x some time ago.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in 5.0.4' on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:00:28 -0500]

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Bug #254 - Filled tabs don't work in pdf or postscript output by Ernest Unrau   Filled tab tabs postscript pdf
  created:2008-09-30 12:27:22   last updated:2008-09-30 12:27:22
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