Bug #247 - PGS crashes sometimes (!) when opening flyout menu object - reshape tool
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:MajorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 17:20:57
Category:Drawing ToolsUpdated:2008-07-21 17:20:57
Summary:PGS crashes sometimes (!) when opening flyout menu object - reshape tool
Keywords:object tool flyout menu
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When wanting to change from object to reshape tool with the flyout in the toolbox, there is a chance (!) that the flyout won't open:

When, left mouse knob selected, the (object/reshape tool) flyout don't open and, only (!), after releasing the left mouse knob: PGS crashes.

The bug cannot be replicated (inconsistent pattern), but somehow it is in the flyout.
The crop, rotate or lasso tool could also holding the same bug (same flyout), but I wasn't trying using those...

Way around this is: add the object and reshape tool to the toolbar in order to bypass the flyout (idea: Henry G. Belot). No problems / crashes then!

T.J. Zweers wrote...2008-09-14 07:06:20

More evidence that the problem is only in the flyout:

I wanted to use the Note frame tool.
I didn't got so far: I didn't got a flyout, PGS crashes (and wanted to inform Microsoft about it).

BTW: Henry's idea works, I didn't had any crash using the toolbar object and reshape tools! And I used those quit often!

T.J. Zweers wrote...2008-10-30 18:11:35

I like to add that at the bottom of the screen, not PGS (!) but Windows, another item opens (besides the PGS-item). This is only temporarily, it disappears when a selection with the fly-out is made.
It has no name and stays while the fly-out is open, left mouse-button clicked.
Is this item the problem?

For what I remember (yes, it happens once in a while, while I am not that sharp, of course!): I place the mouse-pointer almost in the upper-right of the tool in the toolbox, and move the pointer to the right.
I tried several times to make the same move again, but no avail. PGS is then steady as a rock!

T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-01-21 16:06:47

This bug seems to be gone in


[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 16:06:47 -0500]

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Bug #247 - PGS crashes sometimes (!) when opening flyout menu object - reshape tool by T.J. Zweers   object tool flyout menu
  created:2008-07-21 17:20:57   last updated:2008-07-21 17:20:57
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