Bug #207 - strange behavior of cricles
Product:PageStream (Windows)Reported By:T.J. Zweers
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 14:56:51
Category:Drawing ToolsUpdated:2008-01-05 14:56:51
Summary:strange behavior of cricles
Attached Files:1CirclePGS.jpgLen:117,888 bytesMD5:a7c8926a833ecb6d933f6f0fcfd856d9
 1Circle.pgsLen:11,020 bytesMD5:a206e6a4a56c9f46d8c5fd98b957c4a9
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I have made circles and at 0? there is a beak or insert to be seen on as circle made in PGS as the circle made into a path.
When I imported a circle made in Inkscape (SVG) and exported to pdf in Inkscape, I get a good clean circle. So PGS can have a good circle.

An arc (from PGS) has a strange ending...

From bug #55 I have spikes to the left with different angles AND this behavior can be different depending of the place of the circle / ellipse.

I added a jpg and the document file itself.

T.J. Zweers wrote...2009-04-09 02:49:38

Spikes (to the left) and strange endings are gone!!!

The only strange thing left in this (!) document is the Circle made into a path.
It is still open.
But!! When I make a, new, circle the same way, the circle is not open!

Thank you!

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 02:49:38 -0400]

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Bug #207 - strange behavior of cricles by T.J. Zweers   circle
  created:2008-01-05 14:56:51   last updated:2008-01-05 14:56:51
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