Bug #125 - Custom script icons in the toolbar aren't identified
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:MinorAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 15:26:00
Category:Display/User InterfaceUpdated:2006-06-03 15:26:00
Summary:Custom script icons in the toolbar aren't identified
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If script icons are added to the toolbar and scripts assigned the help mouseover balloons always identify them as script:<none> regardless of the assigned script. In preferences the script is identified, but apparently the interface pulls from the generic original descriptor.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2009-03-03 00:05:45

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 00:05:45 -0500]

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Bug #125 - Custom script icons in the toolbar aren't identified by Tim Doty   toolbar,script
  created:2006-06-03 15:26:00   last updated:2006-06-03 15:26:00
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